Wednesday 4 September 2013

Stationary Bender #1

If there's anything about me that I haven't told you yet (if it's worth noting), is that fact that I love going school shopping! I don't know why actually, I just like buying new stationary. It's so clean...

So since I start my LAST ever year at school on Thursday (I still cannot believe this), I went shopping to Wood Green yesterday, and here are some of the things I bought to get me going for Year 13 and the A* Grade Challenge respectively. Just to add, if you want out find out more about 'The A* Grade Challenge' scroll down below, or even better, visit the blog by the lovely Sanam. :)

So here we go:

First up, two magazine files:

Last year, nearly half of my History and RS essays went missing due to the fact that I didn't bother putting them in my folder. So as you can probably guess, when revision came along, it really didn't do me any favours which is why I brought this. It's actually buy one get one now and they cost £4.99 each.

Next, my folders:

I usually buy one leaver-arch file per module. So this year, I have one History paper, one English paper (well technically two since I'm retaking last years exam) and two RS modules. As a consequence, I bought 4 different coloured files. Since my subjects are predominantly essay based, there will be LOADS of loose paper which a ringbinder wouldn't be able to accommodate. They are currently 40% off which is quite something if you're going to buy it in bulk!

And inside them are:

THESE BEAUTIES! Yep, I'm referring to those vivdly coloured subject dividers. Now here is something I will immensely recommend; make sure you read what the pack says! I thought that in one pack it only had one set of dividers...well it's turns out that it actually had three. Clumsy me I suppose. I mean, I bought FOUR of these packs and only needed two.

And these:

This may be interpreted as some sort of OCD type behaviour, but I have to write on the same type of paper each an every time- and my ultimate favourite is Pukka Pads. They have amazing quality and aren't that expensive (you may just see the price sticker up there in the corner). Also, rather than carrying these books to school alongside my folders, I just rip them out and place them in my folder. One, my bag wouldn't be agonizingly heavy and two, it's easier. Everything will be nicely organised.

Another must for students taking anything essay related:

Need I say? Never the disgraceful nature of mine (I've had it for nearly 6 years now...), if you want to show off some ambitious vocabulary or the fact that you know some fancy words rather than the simplistic ones, then logic does say you should have one *duh*. Or if you just want to double-check your spelling, it's your saviour!

Now, some books:

The amount of literature I have to read this year is borderline ridiculous, but it's not all English. Here are some of the titles shown in the pic (some not clearly):

  • Othello, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra by the great William Shakespeare.
  • Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
  • The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (I've read A Thousand Splendid Suns and it's just breathtaking- one of the best books I've ever ever read).
  • Le Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory (If you love Merlin, buy this 900 page epic).
  • The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer 
  • A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde
  • Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth & Samuel Taylor Coldridge
  • Exploring Literature (the textbook for both AS and A2 literature, covering the spec of AQA A)
  • France in Revolution (Access to History)
  • Islam- A very short introduction by Malise Ruthven
I didn't take a trip for the bookstore for this- just ordered from Amazon at ridiculously low prices to my delight.

How to keep a schedule: 

Even though it's meant for university students, IT'S ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I dislike my schools planner, so I bought this first back in Year 11 and for a control freak like me, it's everything you ever want in a planner. It even has some recipes you can try out. Apart from that, tips on revision, exam stress, budgeting, reducing alcohol consumption (not that I drink or even intending too) make an appearance.

Other 'necessary' supplies:

Yep, just woman things in here alongside my headphones and Oyster card. Having said that, I would recommend buying 'Baby Lips' by Maybelline New York- they're a delight! Quite funny how my USB is there too...

Things to write with:

I already have some pens from last year which I'm going to reuse (alongside my pencil case) so I just brought this stuff above; and best of all, Mr Pritt (aka a typical gluestick) is back in force!

And lastly, bags:

Once again, I'm re-using some of the bags I was using last year and these three are the ones I will be using most likely. So from the left we have a bag from a nameless shop, a seemingly large bag from Primark and a lovely 'everything in the world can fit in' bag from USA.

So yeah. That's pretty much it really. All this for Year 13 (the thought of it is already exhausting me). It better be worth it.

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